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School Board News

The Case for Kevin

The Indian River School District is shrinking 800 students per year as parents seek private educational options.  To address this, Indian River Schools is working to increase choices and attract students by implementing a classical school option focused on literature and critical thinking and modeled partly after the Geneva School in New York City.  Kevin McDonald happens to be the former chairman of Geneva School and is running for Indian River School Board District 5.

Kevin McDonald for School Board

Kevin McDonald is a principled conservative and 10 year resident. Before coming to Indian River County, he served as chairman and treasurer of the Geneva classical school in New York City for 7 years. Under his leadership, Geneva School grew by 30% and consistently tested above comparable public and private schools, all while charging half the tuition of most other NY private schools. They also achieved broad cultural, racial, and financial diversity across their student body. These reasons are exactly why Superintendent Dr. Moore has been studying Geneva School while planning a classical school for Indian River County.

Now that tax dollars are following students, Kevin is poised to help the Indian River School district pivot toward offering more compelling educational choices and better working conditions for teachers and maintenance staff. While he is not an educator by trade, Kevin McDonald is a business leader and he knows how to run successful schools.

Kevin is also aligned with the educational agenda of the DeSantis administration, and is an avid defender of parent rights. Kevin believes we need to get back to the basics of reading and math with less focus on social engineering.  He believes in personal responsibility, discipline, and respectful civil discourse.  Kevin holds fast to the idea that everyone should have a voice, especially parents.  

More on Kevin McDonald
Originally from Wisconsin, and more recently from New York City, Kevin McDonald had a successful career of over 40 years as a business executive with several Fortune 500 companies. Before leaving Wisconsin, Kevin McDonald worked in the State Senate and was also the campaign manager for a Wisconsin State Representative.

Kevin McDonald and his wife have loved living full-time in Vero Beach for over 10 years and felt that it was time to step up to use his talents to help Vero Beach. It is his desire to help refocus the IRC school board on common sense policies that protect students, respect parents, and value support staff & teachers.  

Unlike his opponent, Kevin McDonald has no connection with NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) receiving IRC taxpayer funding. He is a candidate that is solely focused on putting kids first.

Contact us.
(772) 268-8006

P.O. Box 700011
Wabasso, Fl 32970

Paid for and approved by the Kevin McDonald for School Board District 5 Campaign